Saturday, May 8, 2010

solar precession & perspective

"It is the missing motion of the solar system curving through space that modern scientists have failed to calculate in their lunisolar precession theory. But the Moon does not lie. It's movement is exact and acts like a witness to the Earth’s motion. The only way the Sun can appear to move around the Earth, and be confirmed by lunar data, is because the Earth is spinning on its axis. Likewise, the only way the Earth’s axis can appear to precess or wobble relative to inertial space, and not wobble relative to the Sun as confirmed by lunar data, is if the solar system (the reference frame that contains the Sun and Earth) is curving through space."-Binary Research Institue

Back in Darwin's day, people thought that rocks falling from the sky was a preposterous idea, despite available evidence to the contrary. We are all well aware of the fact that just a few centuries ago people also believed the world was flat. Nowadays people and learned scientists seem to favor the idea that solar precession is "caused" by the earth's wobble relative to the plane of the ecliptic or the equatorial plane of the sun. Just like the preceding examples we need only to broaden our perspective in order to understand the mechanisms involved.

We are now well aware that as we look out into the night sky, we see throughout the year, a region of the sky where the planets move across the constellations known as the zodiac. This area is known as the ecliptic and the apparent motions tell us what we need to know in order to understand the "actual" motion of our solar system through space.

In one years time the earth moves approximately 360 degrees around the sun. Every four years we add the leap year because it actually takes 365.25 days to make the full 360 degree rotation. If a person had one year of clear evenings to look up at the night sk , they would see the entire zodiac move across the sky and start over in one year's time. We know this system works because the seasons stay the same over time. If for example we were just one day off in the calculations, we would notice the seasons shifting over centuries and they do not.

So we know that the earth completes one 360 degree rotation around the sun every 365.25 days. We also know that the sun during this same time period, is just over 50 arcseconds behind itself from one year to the next. This motion is known as solar precession because the sun actually loses a small slice of it's 360 degree pie. This motion causes the sun to move across the ecliptic at a rate of one constellation every two-thousand years or so, or 24,000-26,000 years to complete the journey across the ecliptic.

Now- if the precessional movement of the sun were caused by the wobble of the earth we would expect the yearly cycle of the earth to coincide with the "apparent" motion of the sun or the seasons to "precess" accordingly. This is NOT what we see. This should lead us to logically conclude that the precession of the sun across the ecliptic must be due to the movement of the
sun and the solar system arching through space. Unfortunately we humans suffer from an interesting affliction known as the "illusion of knowledge". This condition is exacerbated by institutions and "experts" who simply subscribe to the dominant paradigm. (for a more detailed explanation

If we were to look at the galaxy from above we could see our little Heliosphere or solar system 'bubble' rotating around the galactic center every 240 million years or so. As the solar system moves around the galaxy it also oscillates up and down in a sort of sine curve or wave. This sine curve oscillation IS the precession of the sun across the zodiac that we perceive here on the earth. The crossing of the galactic ecliptic in 2012 is the start/end of this precession.

The question is: what is causing the sun (taking the planets along with it) to complete a 26,000 year orbit. I use the term orbit loosely because this implies that the sun is in a binary relationship with some other body (brown dwarf, massive planet or star). This may well be the case, Newtonian physics require that some other massive body is interacting with the sun. However, this body has not yet been found. There are many interesting facts surrounding the possible existence of this "tenth planet" but as of today, we have no physical proof.

I would like to propose another possibility. For those who are not yet acquainted with the electric universe please check out their work. The sun is NOT powered by nuclear energy. The sun is powered from WITHOUT NOT WITHIN. The sun in a very real sense is "riding" an electromagnetic current. As we have seen from a multitude of experiments, electric plasma likes to twist and spiral and curve. Could it be possible that this conduit that connects our solar system to the galaxy, and the galaxy to the universe at large, twists and spins just like so many of the stellar nebula and filaments we see when we look into deep space?

Why is it that a galaxy seen millions of light years away bears so much resemblance to a hurricane seen from above? Is it heat energy, as we are told, that holds millions of gallons of water suspended miles high, to be dropped in thunderstorms? Or is it possible that it is electricity that works its wonders upon the weather? Why do astrophysicists cling to a nuclear model of the sun when this model fails many if not all of the essential tests of science? Why is Nicola Tesla marginalized and erased from our taught history? These are all questions I will address at this site.

I profess that I know nothing. I am probably mistaken with some of this material. The important thing in my mind is that we all open our minds to the possibilities. It matters little if something is "right" or "wrong". As a case in point, the government of the U.S. Gov't has been "wrong" to the point of being criminal but as we all can see- it really does not matter -the wars continue,the torture continues, life goes on (or it doesn't...). Since we all are affected; by everything, I am interested in drawing out all possibilities of the forces at play. By elevating our minds, we are more able to see the big picture.

We are moving toward a crossing in galactic spatial terms. What this means is anyone's guess.
I see this time we are in as an immense opportunity. May we all find our own way that best contributes to the whole. peace&love